Typically, the only day of the year when people are even moderately excited about seeing a TV commercial is Super Bowl Sunday. That day is different from other days because you know you’re going to see something new and entertaining. With that in mind, PoolDawg is proud to announce that we made a new commercial. We’re pretty proud of the way it turned out and since it’s new AND it shows a bunch enticing and dramatic clips cool pool gear, we think that you’ll find it entertaining too. At least for the first couple dozen times that you watch it 😉!

COMMERCIAL LAUNCH CONTEST: Since it is a bit of a stretch to ask people to willingly watch a commercial (even if it has cool billiards supplies), we’re throwing a contest and will be randomly selecting 4 of the video comments to win $25 Gift Certificates. Just view the above commercial, CLICK ON the “Watch on YouTube” link, and from there leave a comment with what you think or drop an emoji or something to enter. Please also follow our channel while you’re there! The winners will be notified on April 30th, 2022 with a reply to the randomly selected comments.

The full-length version running a little over 50 seconds and it is what we use for breaks in live streaming events like the APA PoolPlayer Championship and World Pool Championship events that PoolDawg sponsors.

If ESPN2 ever gets back to showing professional pool events again we have a nicely condensed 30sec version ready to go too. Hopefully they realize that bag tossing, ax throwing, and drone racing that has bumped pool over the past few years literally doesn’t hold a stick to 9-ball!

We also have a few extra excepts for some popular categories of products including pool cues, cases, pool balls and billiard accessories. There are a few unique new clips in each of the short features so check them out too. These will all be floating around social media so please give them a like or a share if it pops up on your feed. We really appreciate that!

Pool Cue Short:

Pool Cue Cases Short:

Pool Balls Short:

Pool Cue Accessories Short:

This commercial and the clips were all filmed and edited by the amazingly talented Nathan Dumoulin at Runout Media. You may remember Nathan’s cutting-edge graphics and high energy clips from such other billiard videos as Venom Trickshots (1 and 2), PoolDawg’s Advanced Instruction Series staring Florian “Venom” Kohler, and Super-Hot Trick Shots.