Since I last blogged, there have been a few folks that scored $50 gift certificates for writing stellar reviews of some of the products we sell.  Here's how it breaks down: Oct. 12: Poison Glove Review - Jason offered some insights based on his experience shooting with a Poison glove. Oct. 22: Predator Chalk Review- Rick broke down his experience with the new Predator 1080 Pure chalk, including some key pros and cons of the chalk compared to other brands. Oct. 30: Lava Chalk Review- John did a fantastic write up of his experience with Lava chalk and how it played on his Kamui tip. Every Friday for the rest of 2012, we'll be picking a review to get 50 bucks in Dawg Dough.  Think you've got the writing chops to earn a gift certificate?  Just give us a write up on your experience with any of the 3,000+ products we sell.